Thursday, May 17, 2007

Are you working hard to make ends meet?

Find a job that will help you make the money you deserve. SnagAJob has the tools to help you find the employers and job openings that are right for you. Why spend your days searching for a job when you can find exactly what you're looking for on

Blog post sponsored by Make Money Blogging.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Belated Mothers Day!

I hope you all you mom's out there enjoyed yesterday as much as I did. I awoke to breakfast in bed with lots of cute little gifts the girls picked out themselves plus their handmade cards. Then I was allowed to continue sleeping in after the excitement died down. We had planned on a hike with a picnic, but it was a drizzly kind of day, so we opted for the movies and dinner out instead. Wrapped up the day with the Survivor finale.....a nice lazy family day, couldn't have asked for more!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

New Look - 3 Column design added!

Well I finally bit the bullet and added that extra third column to my template. I must say it feels so good to have it done! A little roomier in here for all my widgets and such. I am no HTML guru, I know enough to get around, but still find it extremely intimidating when I mess with it in a big way. Thanks to for the template and for just the tips I was looking for on their forums.