Monday, August 13, 2007

The end of summer birthday season

My youngest daughters birthday is today, she is 6. Megan is the typical youngest child, always anxious to keep up with her big sisters at all times. However, the only thing she really wanted for her birthday was monkey bars added to our swingset. She is the Monkey Bar Queen! She will do monkey bars until her hands are covered in blisters and keep going! Last year she came home from school one day with huge blood blisters, and I told her for her hands to heal, she'd need to find something else to do at recess for a few days and she was broken hearted. She also was in love with her Googles Webkinz that she wanted, and hasn't put him down in days. Megan is a sweetie and loves to cuddle and I'm thankful for that as she's my littlest baby! Love ya Meg!