Monday, September 3, 2007

School starts tomorrow!

Can I get a WHOO HOO!?! Just tucked in the girls after going over the bus schedules, double checking the backpacks have all the school supplies, and putting out their first day of school outfits. We had a great summer, but this mom is ready!

My "To Do" list is pretty long, but I'll be starting with finishing the deck refinishing project we got under way yesterday, as well as trying to get some more stuff listed on Ebay during this month long sale they are having for September. I really want to clear a bunch of stuff out of here. I also want to start walking more, and go check out the new YMCA that just opened near me. They apparently have an indoor pool with water slides and all. I have always loved swimming and I'm sure the kids would enjoy the slides, never mind the gym and other activities they offer. Just have to decide if we can afford the extra monthly cost or if we have to wait to do it.

Well I'll wrap it up here, got to get to bed early as I imagine the early morning routine will be tough for the next couple of days.