Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Entering our Poultry in the State Fair

If you read my other blog A Problogger Mom, you will know that my kids show our chickens in the state fair for 4-H. We are getting pretty excited, it's a nice event to end the summer with and it is coming up fast. I have just filled out all their entry paperwork, and it's another thing to cross off my "to do" list. In all we will be entering 11 birds, that's 3 less then last year as we lost a few this past year.

We almost got chicks in February, but decided not to, and then ended up getting 8 new chicks in May. Unfortunately they aren't old enough yet to go to fair this year. We will also be shopping for new birds at fair for the girls to use for Fit and Show. We lost 3 birds this year that were designated as Fit and Show birds, or at least stand-bys. So we only have one of really good quality this year and she's a Old English black bantam hen named clover who my oldest will be using. My middle daughter is only a Primary this year, so she will be using an older friendly bantam hen named Ginger, but she's never done well in Type. She's a Buff Japanese but hardly has any black on her tail feathers.

All the chicks we bought in May are full size too, so they won't be good for Fit and Show as they are too big for the girls to really handle well. My youngest will also be joining 4-H in the fall and so we will need even more "show birds" for next year! We are quite excited about the chicks we have though, we have 4 Americauna's, the kind that lay blue and green eggs. This is the first time we will have any tinted layers. We don't expect them to start laying though until October probably.