Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hard to buy for Gift Ideas

If you are stuck trying to find that perfect gift for someone who is hard to shop for, think about a digital frame. I think these are so cool. I am putting this on my list for Christmas gift ideas for both my stepdad and my father-in-law, both who I find really hard to shop for. I really need to get my act together and seriously start Christmas shopping! It will be here before you know it! I hate waiting until the last minute. I get all stressed out and it of course hurts the budget when you have to do it all at once. My three girls all have birthdays within a one month span and so we are just trying to get through that right now. My oldest had her birthday last week, and my youngest two are only 9 days apart in early August. I will probably seriously start keeping my out for bargains to put away for Christmas in September when the girls go back to school and I have more free time without them in tow.